composer anlamı
composer :
▪ Beethoven is a famous composer.
▪ Beethoven ünlü bir bestecidir.
▪ The composer wrote a new symphony.
▪ Besteci yeni bir senfoni yazdı.
▪ musician – müzisyen
▪ songwriter – söz yazarı
composer [kəmˈpoʊzər]
İsim, ikinci hecede "pose" üzerine vurgu ile "kəm-po-zər" olarak telaffuz edilir.
"composer" hakkında yaygın ifadeler ve dil bilgisi
"composer" - Genel anlam
"composer" için konuşma türü değişiklikleri
▪ composition (isim) – kompozisyon, eser
▪ compose (fiil) – bestelemek, oluşturmak
▪ compositional (sıfat) – kompozisyonel
"composer" ile yaygın ifadeler
▪ famous composer – ünlü besteci
▪ classical composer – klasik besteci
▪ film composer – film müziği bestecisi
▪ prolific composer – üretken besteci
TOEIC'teki "composer" ile ilgili önemli örnekler
TOEIC sınavından kelime dağarcığı örnekleri
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, 'composer' is often used in contexts related to music and arts.
TOEIC sınavından dil bilgisi örnekleri
'Composer' is a noun and is tested in contexts where the role of creating music is discussed.
ile ilgili deyimler ve sabit ifadeler TOEIC'teki
'Classical composer' refers to someone who writes classical music, often used in discussions of music history.
'Composer in residence' is a title given to a composer who is affiliated with an institution for a certain period.
Benzer kelimeler ve "composer" arasındaki farklar
'Composer' refers specifically to someone who writes music, while 'musician' is a broader term for anyone who plays or is involved in music.
'Composer' generally refers to someone who writes instrumental music, while 'songwriter' often refers to someone who writes songs with lyrics.
"composer" ile aynı kökene sahip kelimeler
"composer"'in kökeni
The word 'composer' originates from the Latin 'componere', meaning 'to put together'.
Kelime yapısı
'Composer' consists of 'com' (together) and 'pose' (to place), indicating the act of putting music together.
Aynı kökene sahip kelimeler
The word's root is 'pose'. Words sharing the same root include 'propose' and 'dispose'.